Yul Sanjaa

Walking through pain with a smile, a fishing pole, and a bow

Disclaimer: Someone reported my carrd link in my search info and got me banned for 3 days... FFXIV and their "Best Community Award" really popping off by their players reporting people's carrds. Stay safe yall. Using /c/ as a way of "If you know, you know" to add some extra shielding against future bans. Please understand my interest in roleplaying this character is story-driven first and the f-list is a sad consequence of this unfortunate event.


A gentle and warm smile, naive and lost in their thoughts... a Highlander travels the realm as an outsider. Being from nowhere but looking for a way to come back to his roots.

He is a cheerful guy with a mixed story of Pride and Deception.Without a memory of his parents, he was adopted by the Oronir when found in a river of The Azim Steppes when he was just a baby.
His face and skin were weird for them but still, He was accepted since very young with special conditions and trained with extreme severity.
His mother protected his mind as the training was beyond abusive but for her child to survive, she did whatever it took. Not her proudest moment, something that defined most of his life as a person who was unapologetic, cheerful, and unable to feel psychological pain against him.His hard work and surprising skill with the bow made him a great comrade in battle which pleased the tribe and made them feel they took the right decision.He was always blessed with attunement to the wind aether from the zone, being able to interact easily with the wind sprites and feel the vibes of nature.After a tough battle against outsiders at the last Naadam, a quest for him to bring new knowledge started. Meeting people of all kinds and giving special attention to male fighters as his Budugan brothers taught him most He knows.Multiple battles happened, life-changing decisions were taken and his status changed to a retired Oronir.His pride continues intact for a while but somehow the Celestial veil protecting the World (Etheirys) and also his mind fell; and multiple traumas of his past finally connected with his core, transforming him into a more tamed version of himself.This highlander now is trying to understand the path of pain everyone was destined to live but with the cheerful soul He cultivated through his past life.


  • NAME: Yul Sanjaa

  • AGE: Early 30s

  • RACE: Hyur Highlander

  • GENDER: Male


  • HAIR: Well-treated blond hair taken from front to back with some popping bangs in front.

  • EYES: One Gold-Yellow, the Other bright orange.

  • HEIGHT: 6'6.8"

  • BUILD: Muscular, big arms, and toned abs. Arms with abundant body hair as legs too. The chest and torso in general also have body hair but are not too abundant. Thick legs help him run fast and get momentum to shoot arrows with more strength

  • DISTINGUISHING MARKS: A tattoo on one side of his face, and some light scars on the back. His odd eyes and really cheerful personality.

  • COMMON CLOTHING: Light and loose clothes for easier movement, sometimes eastern tight clothes if doing business: All of these with Oronir yellow accents.


  • PROFESSION: Fisher, Performer, War Bard, Beginner Alchemist

  • HOBBIES: Fishing, selling fishes

  • LANGUAGES: Common

  • SEXUALITY: Homosexual

  • RELATIVES: Adoptive mother and some Xaela he considers “Brothers”

  • BIRTHPLACE: ??????????????????



  • Extroverted

  • In between organized and disorganized

  • Open minded

  • In between calm and anxious

  • Agreeable

  • In between patient and impatient

  • Outspoken

  • In between leader and follower

  • Empathetic

  • Optimistic

  • Traditional

  • Hard-working

  • In between cultured and uncultured

  • Loyal

  • Faithful


  • SMOKING HABIT: never

  • DRUGS: never

  • ALCOHOL: frequently


  • FISHING ADVENTURE: He loves fishing in all ways possible and everything that is related to fishing. If the fish is harder to get or the properties are really special, he would be excited and even impatient to work into it. Exploring adventures to find new rare places is very close to his interest to find more rare fishes he can later use.

  • MARKETS: To continue using his arrows and build some Hingashian potions he knows how to do (Not a professional on it but really helpful) he needs to travel a lot and find new materials to fill his needs. Normally he ends up in really bad places to find the kind of poisons and materials he uses, because of this he would take people with him if possible to get those. Merchants and some shady markets would be part of his daily basis. In the same way, he spends a lot of time selling his fish since he is not an expert on it. He supports charity cases if they give good rewards not necessarily in Gil(IC), it could be a book, a story, special cultural items, and so on.

  • CULTURAL SHARE: He started wandering to learn more fighting styles and strengthen the culture of his tribe with all the knowledge he can get. The tribe recognized the importance of meeting other cultures and understanding their ways. Right now foreigners are welcome to spend time and work together, but they never know when that will end, it’s important to know how others develop. Learning new fighting styles, even if he is an archer/bard, is very interesting to him, the same way as listening to people and learning from them everything he can.

  • STORIES: He is a bard, and his inherent fighting style is supporting and using his arrows in the best way possible. He knows his songs are soothing and helpful in different ways for his partners, but he also knows knowing the cultural stories and achievements of each integrant is important to boost the effects of his voice. Any kind of story can help him to create new songs useful in battle and he would be willing to listen and share the ones he knows already.

  • CHALLENGE: Even when He looks really peaceful and friendly, he is always up for a challenge and his mood can change suddenly from friendly to violent depending on the situation. Fighting is a trigger for his rage. He is respectful and believes in honor. Tournaments, challenges, any kind of sport, drinking alcohol to see who will ‘die’ first, anything that can measure his physical properties.

  • HANG OUT: This blond guy loves going out with friends or comrades. He loves going to new places, any kind of bar, parties, and whatever can be enjoyed with others. He goes out by himself too, even when his personality is very alike to being sociable, he tends to go alone to a lot of places and do his activities by himself. Probably people can find him alone drinking and eating at a table without anyone around, that’s normal for him and he would be open to talking with whoever wants to talk to him.

  • OTHER: In general, he likes fighting, exploring, learning, sharing, and fishing. Whatever is inside those would be a very good way to grab his attention. From there he would be open to doing more things but would depend on the closeness the characters develop


DISCLAIMER: First of all, I'd like to say I understand, support, and celebrate all types of gender expression. I want to ensure that people understand my character's views are part of his character, and while we may share some qualities, the ones listed below do not reflect my personal views. If at any point my character's views offend you, please speak up, and let's talk about it. I support you and want to ensure all players feel comfortable around me. If our CHARACTERS can't understand each other, that's fine, but we as players can still be friends and find other stories that better fit your current character.

  • GENDER IDENTITY AND EXPRESSION: He has lived in tribes where "toxic masculinity" has been the norm for a long time (regardless of gender or sex), and the only identities recognized are "Aggressive/Passive/Neutral" rather than gender expressions. After living in Eorzea and interacting with others, he realized there is more to gender identity and wants to learn, be open-minded, and be respectful about it. If your character is nonbinary or gender non-conforming, Yul may struggle to interact appropriately and ask awkward questions that could cause discomfort or triggers for both characters and players (though he has always accepted and supported trans characters). He needs to undergo this journey. If you'd like to take this journey with him, I'd be honored to roleplay it. If not, and you choose not to interact because of this, I fully understand and support you. We can still be friends and interact out of character.


  • STYLE: Since I’m learning English my style tends to be a bit slow and can’t play very well in big events. I won’t deny the option of going to a large event, but following big paragraphs and really rich words is hard for me. I enjoy tasteful texts and tend to try to do the same and do a big detailed paragraph when the amount of people is not too large. Tend to rapid-fire RP when the group gets bigger than 5 people.

  • I prefer a certain amount of realism in my RP, meaning that magic/magitek can’t instantly fix any problem, wounds take time to heal properly (or may not, at all), and one guy can’t kill 100 people without breaking a sweat and my character doesn’t have an infinite amount of Gil/aether to throw at the problems.

  • The sense of realism even in the middle of fantasy makes the situation tasteful for me. Using rolls to do actions and follow certain logic is something I DO enjoy a lot. I’m a fan of proportions and everything that makes sense even in a mess of chaos. (The best twists are those that follow a path and turn to be something different but still make sense)

  • I understand the RP that wants to give more details and describe things out of the scene or doing extensive monologues inside the minds is something a lot of people use. I personally don’t mind them but would be perfect to tell me what is going on. Again, my English is not very good, and tend to get confused really easily. I will bug you a lot in private messages to clarify things, be gentle with me!

  • THEMES: I’m open to pretty much anything, from Comedy to Angst and anything in between. Other examples are Slice of Life, Violence, Mystery, Romance, Adventure/Action, Mature/Dark, Relationships (friendship/enemies/family/teacher/student/work), Antagonistic, Supernatural, Tribal, and Erotica.

  • For any kind of RP, I always need context, sometimes for the characters to meet and understand each other, without that it’s hard and almost impossible I will be willing to get into more serious - private types of RP. I’m a very open-minded person and again, won’t judge you, but also understand I can reject respectfully some requests. Highly encourage whoever wants to play with this character, or with me in general, to /tell me whatever they have in mind and have a brief of what we are going to play. RP can go to unexpected places and if everything develops naturally and fluently, believe me, you won’t have any issue with me.

  • AVAILABILITY: I raid in a sHC schedule so I won’t be around during working hours and some nights. It is possible to play during working hours having bigger delays to RP or even work on ideas for the characters to play or develop together using Discord. I do have a server dedicated to that and I’m really willing to meet and share ideas, which is the main reason why I started to RP (Also to learn more English and practice my own)

  • I prefer to have an established connection via in-game RP first before moving to that channel at all, but there are exceptions, as all in this life.

  • Code: ON REQUEST